Det var en gång en kung och en drottning. De hade varit barnlösa länge och bestämde sig till sist för att pröva på artificiell insemination. Tretton månader senare föddes en liten flicka. Kungaparet var så glatt över detta naturvetenskapens mirakel att de bestämde sig för att ordna en stor fest, med kungligheter och övrigt vip-folk från hela världen. De beslöt sig även för att kalla in de goda feerna. Gästerna gav överdådliga gåvor till den lilla flickan, vars namn var Aurora. Till sist blev det de goda feernas tur att ge sina magiska gåvor.
Den blåa feen kom fram till vaggan, höjde sitt trollspö och sade:
”Till dig, Aurora, ger jag en sångröst...”
”Nej, vänta!” utbrast drottningen ”Vad har hon för nytta av en sångröst när hon ska bli drottning?”
”Sant, sant” höll kungen med
”Enligt mig är prinsessans karaktär och gåvor en sak för parlamentet att bestämma, om nu någon ska göra det” sade premiärministern sakligt. ”Prinsessans framtid är ju trots allt något vi bestämmer om”
”Det har vi inte tid för!” svarade drottningen ”Men om kanske jag, kungen och primärministern alla skulle ge ett föreslag var, så får fröken god fé bestämma om de är inom hennes kunskapsområde”
Feerna tittade förvirrat på varandra och tänkte att så gick det inte till på den gamla goda tiden. Men de nickade sitt godkännande.
”Jag tar den första gåvan” sade premiärministern ”Jag önskar att prinsessan blir intelligent över det normala. Kunskap och hjärna är något ett statsöverhuvud behöver”
Den blåa feen höjde sitt trollspö och sade:
”Prinsessan Aurora, till dig ger jag intelligensens gåva. Inget problem kommer att vara över din fattningsförmåga”
”Min tur” utbrast drottningen ”För att matcha intelligensen behöver min flicka förståelse av andra människor. Hon ska vara sympatisk och medmänsklig”
Den gröna fen höjde sitt trollspö och sade:
”Jag ger dig medmänsklighetens gåva. Du kommer att se in i folk hjärtan och förstå deras glädje och sorg”
Medan kungen tittade upp och såg ut att fundera på sitt svar hördes ett ljud från hallen. Salen blev alldeles mörk och en öronbedövad stämma hördes.
”Ni kan inte bjuda in de goda feerna och lämna mig utanför. När ni väljer magi väljer ni också mig!”
Mörkret lättade och alla såg till sin fasa en fe klädd som värsta emon.
”Men ta det lugnt, jag är inte särskilt arg” sade fen med en ljuv röst ”Jag tänker inte skada er lilla prinsessa. Än. Hon kommer att växa upp till en förståndig och sympatisk ung kvinna, en exemplarisk prinsessa. Men när hon fyller 18 år, kommer hon att sticka sitt finger på en slända och falla ner död!”
Några gäster fnissade, Kungen själv skrattade till och Drottningen himlade med ögonen.
”En slända, sade du? Vi har inte använt sländor på ca 100 år!” sade hon ”Det är knappast något hot”
”Hon kommer att sticka sig på en slända och dö!” skrek den onda fen och flög ut genom fönstret
Den röda fen trädde fram och sade:
”Om hon säger så, kommer det antagligen gå så. Men jag kanske kan använda min gåva till att förmildra domen”
Hon höjde sitt trollspö över den lilla prinsessan och sade:
”Om du sticker ditt finger på en slända förhäxad av den onda fen kommer du inte att dö, du kommer endast att falla i koma”
”Är det så mycket bättre?” undrade drottningen ”Kan hon sen vakna ur koman?”
”En kyss av äkta kärlek kan göra under” sade de goda feerna tillsammans
Kungaparet och premiärministern beslöt sig för att vara på säkra sidan och gav order om att bränna alla sländor som fanns kvar, de kunde inte vara många. Feerna, som tog den onda fens profetia på större allvar övertygade kungaparet om att prinsessan skulle ha det säkrare undangömd någonstans. De erbjöd sig att ta hand om henne tills hennes 18 års dag hade passerat.
Nästa dag reste tre gamla damer och ett spädbarn ut ur staden. De hittade ett trevligt litet hus på landsbygden och levde där som vanligt folk.
lördag 25 september 2010
onsdag 25 augusti 2010
As professor Marks started talking about islandic poesi my eyes wanderad over to the vamp, whos name I hade picked up as being Christopher. He was unbelievable beautiful, as are all vampires. He must have been handsom also in life, when, and where ever that had been. With his longish, dark brown hair and green eyes he looked a bit foreign, though I couldn't quite place where he could have been from. The seat next to him was empty, apparently nobody wanted to sit next to the strange boy. Humans have good instincts. He looked bored already and who could blame him, he had probably been through high-school at least seven times. I had to smile then, everybody else but me could blame him, they didn't know what I did. I sort of felt sorry for him. This beautiful would go through school with out one single friend, with out anyone to talk to. Christopher started looking around, as though he knew somebody was watching him, thinking about him. I looked at my book and tried to look bored. He looked at me briefly and looked away. Right, not interesting enough for him, am I? I thought angrily and gritted my teeth.
torsdag 19 augusti 2010
forts. nr 3
No, really shouldn't think about it. If he finds me interesting he will pay more attension to me and therefore find out that I'm not human. I defintitely do not want him to pretend some emotions for me only because I'm actually kissable to him. Yes, I will definitely not talk to him.
As I was putting down my things on my desk in literature Veggie-vamp walked by me, and chose the seat infront of me. That would probably speed things up a bit.
"Hi Mindy! A clear voice greeted me "I haven't seen you all summer! Where have you been?" I looked up to find that Sarah, a nice enough girl with short brown hair and freckels was preparing to sitt next to me. "I was mostly visiting my aunt in San francisco" I answered, thinking that I at least had started my underwater trip to the easter islands from there, no need to tell her that. "Wow, what was that like? Did you go to alcatraz?" I swam around it, does that count? "No" I answered "We spend most of our time at the sea" Sarah had sat down on the chair next to me by now but it didn't bother me, Sarahs water just doesn't appeal to me. I think it has something to do with all those painkillers she eats for her migrane.
Tiden är sen, sängen kallar! Tänker skriva mer imorgon.
As I was putting down my things on my desk in literature Veggie-vamp walked by me, and chose the seat infront of me. That would probably speed things up a bit.
"Hi Mindy! A clear voice greeted me "I haven't seen you all summer! Where have you been?" I looked up to find that Sarah, a nice enough girl with short brown hair and freckels was preparing to sitt next to me. "I was mostly visiting my aunt in San francisco" I answered, thinking that I at least had started my underwater trip to the easter islands from there, no need to tell her that. "Wow, what was that like? Did you go to alcatraz?" I swam around it, does that count? "No" I answered "We spend most of our time at the sea" Sarah had sat down on the chair next to me by now but it didn't bother me, Sarahs water just doesn't appeal to me. I think it has something to do with all those painkillers she eats for her migrane.
Tiden är sen, sängen kallar! Tänker skriva mer imorgon.
torsdag 10 juni 2010
The school started filling up. I noticed a new student walking alone to the office, he was really beautiful I could tell, even from this distance. He didn't look like your avarage teen-aged boy. I sighed and headed for my class. Hadn't I for a second ago thought about the impossibilies with having a boy friend? There was no reason to think about this new guy.
I happened to get a closer look at the boy during lunch. He sat just a table away from my. There was something wrong about him, he did not look like any of the other humans. Maybe he wasn't human? As I looked at him more closely I figured out what he was. A vampire of course. I was surprised, it wasn't often you would see a vampire among humens. This boy didn't have red eyes like most vampires, his eyes were a golden brown. A veggie-vam, I thought. As I watched him in all his angelic beauty I became more and more interested in him, I wanted to introduce myself and talk to him, non-human to non-human. The thought remained just that, a thought. I would probably never summon up enough courage to speak to him. It would be perfect though, wouldn't it, I daydreamed, he isn't filled up with all that desireble water, and I know he wouldn't crave for my blood, thin as it is.
I happened to get a closer look at the boy during lunch. He sat just a table away from my. There was something wrong about him, he did not look like any of the other humans. Maybe he wasn't human? As I looked at him more closely I figured out what he was. A vampire of course. I was surprised, it wasn't often you would see a vampire among humens. This boy didn't have red eyes like most vampires, his eyes were a golden brown. A veggie-vam, I thought. As I watched him in all his angelic beauty I became more and more interested in him, I wanted to introduce myself and talk to him, non-human to non-human. The thought remained just that, a thought. I would probably never summon up enough courage to speak to him. It would be perfect though, wouldn't it, I daydreamed, he isn't filled up with all that desireble water, and I know he wouldn't crave for my blood, thin as it is.
söndag 6 juni 2010
Twilight fanfic
You know when you say that cucumbers are made up to 90 % of water? Well, it's the same for a human. For me, that is a very bad thing. My water-level is somewhere between 40-80 %, 40 on a good day and closer to 80 on a bad day. Yet nobody could ever tell that I'm diffrent, I look exactly the same as everyone else in my school. Sometimes I wish that I actually would look like as they portray mermaids in movies and books. I wouldn't mind have long, floating red hair or be as fit as those mermaids always are. Well, there really isn't much that humans got right when it comes to mermaids anyway. Like what's up with all that singing? We don't sing, nor do we dance around in the water with the fish. Humans have never graspt that we are dangerous. If they'd known how mush restrain it takes to be around humans without sucking the water out of them they wouldn't make so many fairytales about us. They would most certainly put us in the same category as, I don't know, werewolves and vampyres. Here I am, in a high-school in a costal town, going to the same courses as all the humans. I try to keep to myself, I don't really have that many friends. Of course I don't have a boyfriend either. I know that Peter from my chemistry-class would love to see himself in that position. The problem with boyfriends is that I would eventually have to kiss them. That would be an interesting scene. "Excuse me, would you like to put a plastic bag in you mouth before I kiss you?" I would suggest "If I get in contact with your mouthwatering salivia I would probably suck the life out of you". I'm sure Peter would love to hear that. What a turn-on. I can't even be close to any humans without hearing the gushing water in their bodies, wanting so badly to have it in mine. "Would I even want a human boyfriend" I asked myself "they're so boring...".
God natt!
God natt!
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